As summer’s coming, I’m getting excited to start noticing that wonderful people-wanting-to-be-out-in-nature imagery. Humans wanting to explore, people wanting to get lost and find themselves in the outdoors. So few of us can really get out into nature, real, raw wilderness, but how much does that matter? I think Alyssa Dusevic’s photographs about people in constructed landscapes and the organized patches of nature we keep are great.
From the artist’s statement: To be surrounded by a landscape that is uncontrolled yet self-sustaining has a sublime effect on the human condition. The quality of time within forests is different. It has a parallel existence–the ability to seem both paused and moving. Buzzing and humming with an energy that is distinctly alive, yet also one that is quiet and still. To enter under the canopy of leaves and be engulfed in a serene space, an alternate reality that embraced time as un-systemized. Time flows free and a strange chaos conquers. There is a power in nature that resonates in a time not governed by past, present, and future but one where they are woven and intertwined. We try to control this energy within our constructed world full of concrete and brick. Potted plants, barriers surrounding the bushes and shrubs, trees with wires to shape and mold them all in an attempt to tame the raw pureness. But I have seen when it fights back; slowly taking over–creeping through cracks and overgrowing the materials we put in its way. This process is a hushed chaos, a tension formed through the meeting and negotiation of the man-made and the natural world.
*Posts for now are continuing to have been scheduled and feature work submitted to Muybridge’s Horse.*
From “Deciduous Escapes”
From “Hushed Chaos”
Visit artist's site:
Posted June 2nd, 2014