The first time I scrolled through Tytia Habing’s pictures, I couldn’t help but smile. The photos, from her series, The Gift, are of various flora and fauna held with an understood respect and admiration in the storied, textured hands of people of all ages. Habing’s pictures represent the miraculous act of physically interacting with nature in such a sweet, familiar way.
From the artist’s statement: Ever since I can remember, I’ve been taught to love nature. I was encouraged to explore the land we lived on, to walk through woods and wander through meadows, to treat the earth gently and respect my fellow creatures. The smallest of animals are of import, and even weeds have purpose. I now teach my son the same, that this beautiful earth is a gift we’ve all been given and it’s our job to be good stewards, not only for us, but for future generations. My hope is that these photographs reflect the love I hold for nature, and the importance of even the smallest of creatures and the most nondescript of plants.
See Habing’s many other fantastic projects on her sleek new website, designed using a Squarespace subscription awarded to her by Feature Shoot.
On that note, Feature Shoot’s current call for submissions is “photos of the zoo,” judged by me. Submit by October 17 for the chance to win a one-year Squarespace subscription, as well as your photo/s on the Feature Shoot website and promoted through their social media channels.
From “The Gift”
Visit artist's site:
Posted October 9th, 2014