I stumbled upon this series of photographs by Sebastian Magnani and I found it so calming, right when I needed something like that. Magnani’s pictures of circular mirrors on various natural textures create the illusion of planets unlike any we know. Some of the backgrounds reference a speckled universe; some make me think other galaxies could indeed look like bursts of pink and green. My favorite of the images are those in which what’s reflected either fits in perfectly or goes against completely the surface upon which the mirror is resting. The white line seems to continue right through the sphere of reflected tree branches in the first image below, and the blue sky and orange leaves in the image after that are pleasantly unexpected against a black asphalt background. Maybe it’s my mood, but I feel relaxed and hopeful when I look at the photographs (cigarette butts and all), thinking about nature figuratively and literally reflected.
A note: The time is nearing to step back from Muybridge’s Horse for a while as I leave my current home in Kansas, relocate to a temporary “home base” in Colorado, and make the move to Portland, OR, where I hope to settle in (and find a job!) before the fall. I won’t be able to post regularly over the next few months, but I’ll do my best. I’m thinking of posting content in a digest-style format to keep myself from missing MH too badly; I’ll write about that soon!
From “Reflections”
Visit artist's site: sebastianmagnani.com
Posted May 28th, 2015