In Gábor Komlósi’s series Greenzone, the artist draws a connection between abandoned houses and endangered species found in Hungary. The images prompt a conversation about the often reckless expansion of humans, the way things that were once valued and abundant will maybe someday live only in our memories, and animals’ propensity to adapt. On first glance, the animals in the abandoned scenes don’t look exactly real, more like digital composites, but upon closer inspection, they are neither; the creatures are cardboard cutouts placed into the buildings. I think this is an interesting twist (like an alternate version of Kai Fagerström’s The House in the Woods), and the boldness of the animals’ contrast and color certainly grabs my attention. This 2D aspect of the animals makes them appear off-kilter, their situation a bit precarious, and like they don’t belong.
From the artist’s statement: It is quite common, that formerly important facilities – which wasn’t built specifically next to nature reservations, manufactories, weekend houses, mansions – after a short time usage go to waste and then remain empty. In time these buildings start to run down because of the nature and weather conditions, and will be forgotten. Such areas as these then can serve as a habitat for the fauna… Nowadays numerous animals can be seen only on a picture, or as a stuffed animal in Natural History Museums. In my series I propose an imaginative way for the animals to adapt through the abandoned weekend houses… In my work I refer to their population’s reduction and their compulsive adaptation.
From “Greenzone”
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Posted October 5th, 2015