Since two’s not so special a number I won’t gush, but the “anniversary” does give me an opportunity to look back, and I’ll say it’s been a good year for this website I enjoy working on so much. The past year, I made 99 posts, featured 87 new artists, and posted 28 submissions. I worked on streamlining the site, making more sense of the categories and tags for the first time since they were created. I became more intentional about how I post with the MH tag on Tumblr. I think Dan and I finally got posts to appear correctly in a feed reader, with a post looking “perfect” just in time for 2015, and we might still do a little work there.

I made 16 posts on Feature Shoot, which certainly widens MH’s audience. I had a feature about MH on PDNPulse, wrote in the Rule Breakers series on Don’t Take Pictures, and juried Feature Shoot’s zoo photography exhibition, all an honor and a joy. I went to two SPE conferences, the national in Baltimore and the Midwest regional in Madison. Within the past couple weeks I’ve been working out the details to attend the 2015 national conference in New Orleans, probably my last SPE conference for a while as I’m anticipating moving to Portland late this summer and unfortunately missing the Midwest region’s Louisville conference in the fall (Hi, Northwest region SPE-er’s!).

Last month, I set up a Facebook page for MH, something I had been thinking about doing for a while. I hope it will not only serve as a connection point with artists but also make the website easier to catch updates from. Click the badge below or find the Muybridge’s Horse Facebook page here. Add me as a friend, if you like :) And thanks for reading!