Judy Herrmann, “Breaking into the Biz”
This talk didn’t really apply to me at the obvious level, but what I took away from it was to be serious about what you do, whatever it is. It was a good start to the conference. Super rewarding to see it excite the non-photographer friend I brought, all the way from Denver, who paid for a non-member ticket and airfare because he is awesome.
Peter Krogh, “Preservation, Access, and Workflow: Media Management and the Creative Process”
Already SO. HELPFUL. Really appreciated this talk and am excited to look more closely at these resources.
Keynote Speaker: “Sally Mann, If Memory Serves”
♥ I don’t care if this woman just reads to me for hours on end, being in the same room with her is inspiring.
Chad states, “Cruising”
Awesome, awesome artist talk!
Heather Stratton, “Domestication: A Recovery Act”
Artist talk by MICA grad student!
Brooks Dierdorff, “Cultural Predators: Photography and Its Relationship to Hunting Culture”
Artist talk. “Trophy” reminds me of Yasser Aggour and Josh Winegar. Really like that work.
In the afternoon, I had portfolio reviews with Ruth Adams, Associate Professor of Photography at University of Kentucky
and Ric Petry, Director of Graduate Studies at Columbus College of Art and Design
And I found out that the Southwest Regional Conference will be in Fort Collins this year, next year’s national conference will be in Chicago.
The curator portfolio walk-through was Friday evening. I thought it was a great success!!
Bill Adams, “One Man Show”
Best talk of the conference! So entertaining. My bias as his former student is irrelevant.
Featured Speaker: Sharon Olds, “Intimacy, Voyeurism, and the Public/Private Divide: Poems and Photographs
LOVED this talk. Perfect way to end the conference.
Saturday evening was the self-guided gallery walking tour, but we only made it to the SPE Member Show, curated by Todd Hido, at Rayko Photo Center, on account of it was pouring rain and our bodies needed a rest. Eating pizza and falling asleep to Meet the Parents on the world’s most comfortable sofa sleeper was an easy compromise.
I tried to see a speaker every time slot—these are just the ones that stood out to me most or said/made things I want to remember.
Next: (more importantly,) people I got to see and hang out with at SPE :D
Posted March 30th, 2012