Back in February of last year when I was giving my talk at the Annenberg Space for Photography, I met Julia Schlosser, who told me about the conference Living With Animals and its art component Seeing With Animals at Eastern Kentucky University. The conference is every two years, and March 22-26 I was in Richmond, KY for the third biennial conference on the theme of Co-Existence. I brought with me my regular conference companion Daniel Quay and we had such an excellent time getting to see the work of amazing artists, hear talks by incredibly intelligent thinkers, and meet such kind, interesting, talented people. The first two days of the conference, we attended sessions in the Seeing With Animals track, and I’d like to share the presentations that I got to see and some pictures. Next week, I’ll share images from the other two days of the conference and the field trips we got to go on!

Keri Cronin Looking Back: The Art of Early Animal Advocacy Campaigns
Julia Schlosser Explored Geographies: Companion Experiences
Carole Baker Where is Home? The Unpredictability of Life as a Cypriot Stray Dog
Mary-Jane Opie A Discussion on the Validity of Using a Companion Dog as a ‘Stand-In’ in Portraiture and as a Human Family Member
Debra Merskin Seeing the Dying Animal: Hollywood and the Hereafter
Mary Shannon Johnstone Landfill Dogs
Maria Lux Eat, Drink, and Be Merry: Unforeseen Consequences of Co-existence with Vultures, Fruit Bats, and Viruses
Linda Brant A Monument for Animals We Do Not Mourn
L.A. Watson Passed Lives: The Roadside Memorial Project
Kathryn Eddy The Urban/Wild Coyote Project
Mylène Ferrand The Contemporary Art Animal Repair

Brett Mizelle Killing in Jest, Dying in Earnest: Human-Squirrel Entanglements in Past and Present
Lee Deigaard Inviting Horses to Enter: Horses at the Museum
Lisa Strömbeck Hierarchy
Angela Bartram Collaborative Animals: Dogs and Humans as Co-Working Artists
Harriet Smith Post-Anthropocentric Interventions with Human and Nonhuman Animals
David Wood Thinking Like a Sand Crab
Viola Arduini The Human and the Other: Visual Technology between Science and Art
Doo-Sung Yoo Art Hybrids for Exploring Co-Existence between Humans and Animals Alongside Technology
Liz Bowen Spectacles of Dependency: Human-Animal Enfreakment in the Artwork of Sunaura Taylor
Tyler Lumm I Am Become
Alexandra Murphy Specere and the Photograph: Co-Existing in Perpetual States of Preservation
Tanja Böhme Bringing the Animal into Focus
Steve Baker The Disorderly Animal in Contemporary Art