See my post about the first two days of the Living With Animals conference here

Although I didn’t attend as many talks the second half of the conference as the first, and the second half wasn’t focused on art like the first was, I had such a great time and learned so much. I have to say that this entire conference was so impressive, packed with interesting talks and stimulating conversation. One thing I have written in my notes is “So many intelligent questions! Such great, respectful, sincere discussion and sharing.” I can’t wait for the next conference in 2019.

Below are the presentations that I got to see and some pictures. As part of the conference, we had tours of the White Hall State Historic Site, the Kentucky Equine Humane Center, and the Primate Rescue Center. It was all awesome! After the conference was over, Daniel and I took Monday to rent a car and see the Sheabel Pet Cemetery, the Hamburg Place Horse Cemetery, Man O’ War’s grave at the Kentucky Horse Park, and the Shaker village of Pleasant Hill, all in the Richmond/Lexington area. I’ll share pictures from all that on my photo journal, as soon as I have some time to process them!

Michal Piotr Pregowski Social Practices of Grief and Commemoration of Companion Animals across Cultures
Margo DeMello, Kenneth Shapiro, Susan McHugh & Robert W. Mitchell Society & Animals: Shaping and Reflecting Human-Animal Studies for 25 Years
John Byczynski I Ain’t No Rat: The Muskrat Manifesto
Andrea Buhle Footloose and Fancy Fleas: Fabled Facades or Factual Feats?

April D. Truitt U.S. Primate Sanctuaries: The Next 30 Years
Doug Slaymaker Imagining Animals to Represent Disaster: Japanese Fiction after Fukushima
Jonathan L. Clark A History of Roadkill
Karen Head Living the Promises
Jeanne Dubino Dogs in the Margins: Canine-Human Coexistence in Global Literacy Representations of Labor Camps, Village Life, and Extreme Poverty
Andrew Smyth Comics, Language, and (Baby)Sitting: Adam Hines’s Duncan the Wonder Dog and the Case of Clementine
Ann Marie Thornburg Walking With Dogs: Ethnographic Reflections on Everyday Movements
Jane Desmond “Real Doctors Treat More than One Species!” Charting the Divide between Clinical Veterinary Medicine and Human Medicine
Seth Josephson Media of Life and Danger: Bovine Serum and Human/Cattle Co-Emergence
Sara Waller Human Inferences Regarding Feline Inferences
Justyna Wlodarczyk Theorizing Resistance to Change in Dog Training since the 1980s
Bob Sandmeyer What in the World Does Coexistence with the Animal Mean?