Dara Scully is a young artist in Spain. Her work reminds me a bit of Francesca Woodman‘s. She has some more really beautiful series on her website and gorgeous color work on her Flickr.
Lately, I’ve been spending some time thinking about the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and its role in my photography and the art-making of others. Although I assume these images aren’t made in the US, I just think it’s interesting to note that most of the birds in these photographs are European starlings (not protected under the act) and if they aren’t, they’re photographed “on-site” and not in the artist’s studio. Just something I may be making a post about in the future (please email me if you’ve got an opinion!).
(Also, I’m crazy about the fact that the artist’s name is so similar to Dana Scully.)
From “Your Breath/My Love”
From “Your Branches/My Bones”
Visit artist's site: cargocollective.com/darascully
Posted April 15th, 2013