
An archive of contemporary artists who explore humans' interactions with animals and nature

Read the author's notes about relevant conferences, exhibitions, opportunities, etc.

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Amy Guidry

Amy Guidry

Kate Bergin

Kate Bergin

Beatrice Jansen

Beatrice Jansen

Tiffany Bozic

Tiffany Bozic

Simen Johan

Simen Johan

Nadine Boughton

Nadine Boughton

Nadège Mériau

Nadège Mériau

Petrina Hicks

Petrina Hicks

Walton Ford

Walton Ford

Catherine Larré

Catherine Larré

Martin Wittfooth

Martin Wittfooth

Kevin Sloan

Kevin Sloan

Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Liu Di

Liu Di

Roger Ballen

Roger Ballen

Josh Keyes

Josh Keyes

Simen Johan

Simen Johan