An archive of contemporary artists who explore humans' interactions with animals and nature
Read the author's notes about relevant conferences, exhibitions, opportunities, etc.
TAG : animals
Daniel Ranalli
Alec Soth
Brian Lesteberg
Yogamaya von Hippel & Simon Bromley, “Street Pussy”
Brandon Hall
Tytia Habing
Yusuke Sakai
Lindsay Blatt
Clare Benson
Marco Sgarbi
Charlotte Dumas
Lynne Parks
Arne Svenson
Cig Harvey
Miranda Brandon
Jana Lange
Jason DeMarte
Lisa Adams
Maija Astikainen
Francesca Todde
Kevin Barton
Mike Whiteley
Isabella Rozendaal
Sara Munari
Zack Seckler
Crystal Morey
Nathalia Edenmont
Jaejin Hwang
Lee Deigaard
Shaun Kardinal
David Kasnic
Henk Wildschut
Gaston Lacombe
Juliette Bates
Jesse Burke
Thomas Brennan
Tim Racer
Lewis Koch
Elisa Noguera Lopez
Joshua White